About radioactive cesium contamination

(*New article updated on 9/8 → Tatsuya's declaration of "safety + security" )

The safety of Kobe beef is ensured

Since the other day, we have received many inquiries from customers regarding the issue of "cesium" contamination, which has been covered in the media.
We will post the information that our shop has confirmed at this stage.

All Kobe beef is from Hyogo Prefecture

By definition, Kobe beef must be Tajima beef "born and raised in Hyogo prefecture" for generations.
As a Kobe beef specialty store, we only handle Kobe beef, so there is no influx of beef from other prefectures.
(A "Kobe Meat Certificate" is attached to the meat. Tracking is possible by the individual identification number.)

Kobe beef is closed breeding

"Tajima beef", which is the base beef of Kobe beef, is not crossed with brand beef from other prefectures.
It is fattened under the definite differentiation of "closed breeding".
The history and fattening method have been handed down from the Meiji period to the present day without change.
In the future, there will be no crossbreeding with products from other prefectures.

# There is a common misconception that "bringing cows from other prefectures to Kobe and shipping them out will make them Kobe beef".
# From the above points, there is no such thing at all, so I hope you can rest assured

About rice straw

Regarding "rice straw" contaminated with radioactive cesium,

On July 21st, the Hyogo Prefecture Agricultural Policy and Environment Department, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Bureau, Livestock Division conducted an investigation, and as a result, it was confirmed that there was no distribution or use of rice straw from the Tohoku and Kanto regions. (Document)

In addition, when I made an inquiry to the Zen-noh Hyogo Prefectural Headquarters (JA),
“Livestock farmers in Hyogo Prefecture only give rice straw from Hyogo Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, and imported products,”
We have confirmed that we do not use rice straw from the Tohoku and Kanto regions.

[Hyogo Prefecture Website]

[Hyogo Prefecture press release handout (link to WORD file)]
20110721 兵庫県記者発表資料(wordファイル)

神戸肉流通推進協議会 発表資料

At Tatsuya, based on over 100 years of experience and accurate knowledge,
We will continue to do our best so that our customers can enjoy Kobe beef with peace of mind.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

TEL: 078-331-3026 (Monday to Saturday: 10:00 to 18:00) or inquiry form

Thank you for your continued support of Tatsuya.


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